Directorate and Unit
To facilitate conducive working environment for both employers and employees in labour and social security matters and timely issuance of Work Permit services in the Country.
This Division will perform the following functions: -
(i)To develop, monitor, implement and review labour policies, legislations, standards and guidelines;
(ii)To develop mechanism for ensuring the adherence of Local and International Labour Standards and fostering International cooperation in labour matters; and
(iii)To issue Work Permits.
This Division will be led by a Commissioner and will have three (3) Sections as follows: -
(i)Labour Relations Section;
(ii)Labour Administration and Inspection Section; and
(iii)Work Permit Section.
This Section will perform the following activities: -
(i)Prepare, monitor, evaluate and review implementation of labour relations policies, legislations and guidelines;
(ii)Prepare, review and monitor implementation of guidelines and programmes on collective bargaining, bipartite and tri-partite consultations, workers’ participation and facilitate their implementation;
(iii)Oversee and coordinate all matters concerning observance of national and International Labour Standards and fostering International cooperation on labour matters;
(iv)Monitor and evaluate all matters concerning labour relations in the industries and advise accordingly;
(v)Facilitate setting of minimum wages for Private Sector and monitor its adherence. (wage Board)
This Section will be led by an Assistant Commissioner.
1.2 Labour Administration and Inspection Section
This Section will perform the following activities: -
(i)Prepare, review and monitor implementation of labour policies, Legislations and guidelines on prevention of disputes;
(ii)Prepare, review and recommend guidelines on labour inspection services and monitor and evaluate their implementation;
(iii)Educate employers and employees on their rights and obligations in the contract of service;
(iv)Conduct labour inspections and monitoring at work place and advise accordingly; and
(v)Develop, monitor, evaluate and review the implementation of programmes for elimination of child labour and advise accordingly.
This Section will be led by an Assistant Commissioner.
1.3 Work Permits Section
This Section will perform the following activities: -
(i)Prepare, review and monitor implementation of labour policies, Acts, regulations and guidelines on all matters related to work permit;
(ii)Prepare, review guidelines on work permit and monitor and evaluate their implementation;
(iii)Scrutinize applications and issue Work permits and conduct compliance inspections;
(iv)Develop, monitor, evaluate and review implementation of work permit processes; and
(v)Maintain and update database of work permit issuance.
This Section will be led by an Assistant Commissioner.
To provide expertise and services in management of employment promotion and services; skills development and labour market information
This Division will perform the following functions: -
(i)To develop, monitor and review policies, legislations, standards and guidelines on employment promotion, skills employment services, labour migration and labour market information;
(ii)To develop mechanisms to implement Regional and International employment commitments; and
(iii)To analyse and advise on conducive macro policies for employment creation in the formal and informal sector, skills development and labour migration.
This Division will be led by a Director and will have three (3) Sections as follows:-
(i)Employment Promotion Section;
(ii)Skills Development Section; and
(iii)Labour Market Information Section.
2.1 Employment Promotion Section
This Section will perform the following activities:-
(i)Develop and implement policies, strategies, programmes and plans on the creation of decent jobs, labour migration and labour market information;
(ii)Undertake researches and studies to promote policy advocacy and planning on employment creation;
(iii)Coordinate, monitor employment creation initiatives undertaken by Private and Public Sector stakeholders;
(iv)Develop guidelines on the regulation of private employment promotion services agencies;
(v)Manage and facilitate informal sector transitions to formality; and
(vi)Develop, monitor, evaluate and review strategies on the implementation of Regional and International employment promotion related agreements, declarations, convections, recommendations and reports.
This Section will be led by an Assistant Director.
2.2 Skills Development Section
This Section will perform the following activities:-
(i)Develop and implement, programmes, guidelines and plans on the promotion of employability skills;
(ii)Develop appropriate models to enhance support and coordination of private sector skills development initiatives;
(iii)Coordinate and collaborate with stakeholders in matters patterning to skills demand and supply;
(iv)Develop and maintain National database related to skills development;
(v)Prepare, monitor, evaluate and review frameworks for inclusion and accessibility of persons with disabilities to opportunities on education, vocational and industrial training; and
(vi)Monitor, evaluate and review strategies on the implementation of Regional and International agreements, declarations, convections, recommendations and reports related to skills development.
This Section will be led by an Assistant Director
2.3 Labour Market Information Section
This Section will perform the following activities:-
(i)Develop, monitor, evaluate and review the implementation of the National Labour Market Information System;
(ii)Undertake and coordinate labour market surveys, studies assessments, and analyses and forecasts;
(iii)Prepare periodic reports on labour market status and disseminate for policy advocacy;
(iv)Develop, monitor, evaluate and review Tanzania Standard Classification of Occupation Dictionary (TASCO) in accordance with International Standard Classification of Occupation (ISCO) and promote its use by relevant stakeholders;
(v)Analyze national and international labour market related policies and statistics and advise on national employment creation policies, strategies and plans; and
(vi)Advise and coordinate implementation of regional and international agreements and conventions related to labour market statistics.
This Section will be led by an Assistant Director.
To create conducive environment for promotion of youth involvement in social, economic and cultural development initiatives.
This Division will perform the following functions:-
(i)To develop, monitor, evaluate and review implementation of Youth Development Policy, legislations and guidelines;
(ii)To identify and advise the Government on how to improve personal development initiatives and innovative strategies for youth;
(iii)To identify and foster youth empowerment opportunities;
(iv)To develop, facilitate and coordinate capacity building of youth human resources in collaboration with immediate employers; and
(v)To facilitate mainstreaming of Youth Development agenda into all sectors.
This Division will be led by a Director and will comprise two (2) Sections as follows:-
(i)Youth Coordination and Mobilisation Section; and
(ii)Youth Upbringing, Guidance and Counselling Section.
3.1 Youth Coordination and Mobilization Section
This Section will perform the following activities:-
(i)Develop, monitor, evaluate and review implementation of Youth Policy, legislation and guidelines;
(ii)Coordinate the commemoration of National and International Youth Festivals in the Country and prepare reports;
(iii)Establish and maintain a database on all programmes on youth empowerment and development in the Country;
(iv)Organize, facilitate and conduct youth fora aimed at obtaining their views on youth development initiatives in the Country and advice accordingly;
(v)Facilitate Youth empowerment and engagement in Socio – economic activities at National level;
(vi)Coordinate mainstreaming of all youth related matters into all sector plans and programs and set norms and standards;
(vii)Initiate, promote and coordinate Youth work professionalism; and
(viii)Develop frameworks and frameworks and standards for Youth centres development.
This Section will be led by an Assistant Director.
3.2 Youth Upbringing, Guidance and Counseling Section
This Section will perform the following activities:-
(i)Develop, monitor, evaluate and review implementation of national guidelines on life skills and livelihood skills programmes;
(ii)Develop, monitor, evaluate and review implementation Family of Life Education Programme for youth including responsible parenthood and youth upbringing;
(iii)Establish and maintain a database on all programmes/ activities on youth guidance and counselling; and
(iv)Raise awareness to youth on programmes concerning the transmission, effects and impact of HIV/AIDS, Sexually Transmitted Diseases, drug abuse in liaison with other stakeholders.
This Section will be led by an Assistant Director.
To create an enabling environment for the development of Social Protection Sector and provision of social insurance and social assistance services to employees and general public at large.
This Division will perform the following functions:-
(i)To develop and monitor implementation of policy, legislation, and regulations on social protection;
(ii)To undertake research on Social Protection issues;
(iii)To protect and safeguard interest of members of social security funds;
(iv)To strengthen and promote social protection systems in line with Government efforts to reduce poverty and vulnerability;
(v)To create conducive environment for expansion of social security and social assistance services in the country;
(vi)To develop mechanisms for adherence to National, Regional and International social Protection standards;
(vii)To conduct public awareness and sensitization on social protection schemes and programmes in collaboration with Government Communication Unit; and
(viii)To coordinate and oversee social protection initiatives.
This Division will be led by a Director and will have two (2) Sections as follows:-
(i)Social Insurance Section; and
(ii)Social Assistance Section.
This Section will perform the following activities:-
(i)Prepare and provide inputs in relation to social Insurance in preparation of social protection policy, programs, strategies and evaluate their implementation;
(ii)Conduct research and studies on Social Insurance;
(iii)Monitor and evaluate implementation of Regional and International instruments on social insurance;
(iv)Develop guidelines on reciprocal agreements on portability of social security benefits and monitor their implementation;
(v)Promote private sector participation in the provision of social security services;
(vi) Create public awareness on social insurance issues; and
(vii)Develop and implement strategies for expansion of social security services.
This Section will be led by an Assistant Director.
4.2 Social Assistance Section
This Section will perform the following activities:-
(i)Prepare and provide inputs in relation to social Assistance in preparation of social protection policy, programs, strategies and evaluate their implementation;
(ii)Conduct research and studies on Social Assistance;
(iii)Monitor and evaluate implementation of Regional and International instruments on Social Assistance;
(iv)Promote private sector in provision of social assistance services; and
(v)Coordinate and oversee social assistance initiatives.
This Section will be led by an Assistant Director.
To provide expertise and services to persons with disability.
The Unit will perform the following activities: -
(i) Prepare and review policies, Legislation's and guidelines for persons with disability;
(ii)Initiate community-based rehabilitation programmes for persons with disability;
(iii)Develop and coordinate sustainable empowerment programs for persons with disability;
(iv)Design training programmes for persons with disability and monitor their implementation;
(v)Provide resettlement, care and maintenance for persons with disability;
(vi)Co-ordinate and provide advisory services to associations of persons with disability; and
(vii)Carry out impact study and research on various interventions to persons with Disability.
The Unit will be led by a Director.
To provide registration and de-registration services to Trade Unions and Employers Association.
This Unit will perform the following activities:-
(i)Scrutinize applications and advise on registration of Trade Unions, Employer’s Associations and Federations;
(ii)Develop regulations and standards on registration and ope-rationalization of Trade Unions, Employer’s Associations and Federations and ensure adherence;
(iii)Carry out inspections of Trade Unions, Employer’s Associations and Federations,and registered members, books and records of their income, expenditure, assets and liabilities and advise accordingly;
(iv)Maintain and update a register of Trade Unions, Employer’s Associations and Federations;
(v)Raise awareness of Freedom of Association (FOA) and labour issues;
(vi)Provide advice on resolving disputes related to their constitutions and rules;
(vii)Facilitate publication of registrations status of organizations in the Official Gazette; and
(viii)Prepare necessary court documents under Labour Laws and appear in court.
This Unit will be led by a Registrar.
To provide high quality and efficient employment services to the Public and Private sectors in Tanzania and beyond.
This Unit will perform the following activities:-
(i)Promote the provision of employment services related to career guidance, employment counselling, job search and placement services to job seekers and employers.
(ii)Prepare, monitor, evaluate and review guidelines on employment facilitation and cross - border placement services
(iii)Implement guidelines on the Regulation of Public and Private employment service agencies; and
(iv)Promote the use of manual and automated Employment Services processing and analysis techniques.
This Unit will be led by a Director.
To promote productivity and innovation for economic development.
This Unit will perform the following activities:-
(i)Develop, monitor and review policies, legislations, standards and guidelines on innovation, industrial efficiency and productivity;
(ii)Implement policies, strategies, programmes and plans on the promotion of innovation, industrial efficiency and productivity at macro and micro levels;
(iii)Analyze and advise on conducive macro policies for innovation, industrial efficiency and productivity;
(iv)Undertake research and studies to promote innovation, industrial efficiency and productivity improvement at all levels;
(v)Develop, monitor, evaluate and review strategies on the implementation of Regional and International agreements, declarations, convection, recommendations and reports on innovation, industrial efficiency and productivity; and
(vi)Carry out research, studies and surveys on productivity.
This Unit will be led by a Director
To provide expertise and services on human resource management and administrative matters to the Office
This Division will perform the following functions:-
(i)To provide advice on administrative and human resources matters;
(ii) To provide strategic inputs on Administration and Human Resources Management issues such as recruitment, human resources development and training, promotion, discipline, retention, motivation, performance management and welfare;
(iii)To facilitate optimal, efficient and effective management and utilization of human resources in the Office;
(iv)To provide a link between the Office and the President’s Office Public Service Management on operationalisation of the Public Service Management and Employment Policy and relevant Public Service Acts; and
(v)To oversee employee’s welfare.
This Division will be led by a Director and will comprise two sections as follows:-
(i)Administration Section; and
(ii)Human Resource Management Section.
This Section will perform the following activities:-
(i)Interpret and ensure adherence to Public Service Regulations, Standing Orders and other Labour laws;
(ii)Facilitate employee relations and welfare including health, safety, sports and culture;
(iii)Provide registry, messengerial and courier services and manage Office records;
(iv)Handle protocol matters;
(v)Facilitate provision of security services, transport and general utilities;
(vi)Facilitate maintenance of office equipment, buildings and grounds;
(vii)Coordinate implementation of ethics and value promotion activities;
(viii)Coordinate implementation of diversity;
(ix)Coordinate implementation of private sector participation, Business Process Improvement and Client Service Charter in the Office; and
(x) Advise on organizational efficiency of the Office.
This Section will be led by an Assistant Director.
9.2 Human Resource Management Section
This Section will perform the following activities:-
(i)Carry out human resources planning and development;
(ii)Coordinate staff recruitment, selection, placement, confirmation, promotion and staff transfer;
(iii)Prepare Annual Personnel Emolument Estimates and administer salaries and payroll;
(iv)Coordinate implementation of Open Performance Review and Appraisal System (OPRAS);
(v) Oversee employee’s benefits (pension, allowances) and entitlements;
(vi)Oversee services related to separation from the service (retirement, resignation); and
(vii)Serve as a Secretariat to the Appointment Committee.
This Section will be led by an Assistant Director.
To provide expertise and services in policy formulation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation.
This Division will perform the following functions:-
(i)To coordinate preparation of ministerial policies and monitor their implementation and carry out their impact assessments;
(ii)To analyse policies from other sectors and advise accordingly;
(iii) Coordinate preparations and implementations of ministerial plans and budgets;
(iv)To carry out monitoring and evaluation of the Ministry’s plans and budgets and prepare performance reports;
(v)To carry out research, assessments and evaluation of ministerial plans and provide a basis for making informed decisions on the future direction of the Ministry;
(vi)To encourage and facilitate the provision of services by the Private Sector in the Ministry;
(vii)To coordinate preparations of Ministerial contributions to the Budget Speech and Annual Economic Report;
(viii)To institutionalize strategic planning; budget; and monitoring and evaluation skills in the Ministry;
(ix)To oversee performance contracting;
(x)To be a custodian and coordinator of Office statistics; and
(xi)To ensure that ministerial plans and budgets are integrated into the government budgeting process.
This Division will be led by a Director and will have two (2) Sections as follows:-
(i)Policy and Planning Section; and
(ii)Monitoring and Evaluation Section.
10.1 Policy and Planning Section
This Section will perform the following activities:
(i)Coordinate formulation, review, implementation and monitoring of Ministry’s policies; and ensure they are consistent with national policies, frameworks and strategies;
(ii)Review and advise on policy papers prepared by other ministries;
(iii)Carry out research and impact studies of ministerial policies and provide a basis for making informed decisions on the future direction of the Ministry; and
(iv)Compile implementation reports on Ruling Party Manifesto and Parliamentary Committee reports;
(v)Coordinate formulation and preparation of the Ministry's medium term strategic plan, annual action plans and budgets;
(vi)Compile reports on ministerial projects, programmes and Action Plans and Develop strategies for resource mobilization;
(vii)Provide technical guidance and support for institutionalization of Strategic Planning and Budgeting process within the Ministry;
(viii)Prepare memorandum of understanding for projects and programs for international financing;
(ix)Coordinate the preparation of Ministerial budget speech; and
(x)Participate in analysis of outsourcing of non-core functions (Private Sector Participation).
This Section will be led by an Assistant Director.
10.2 Monitoring and Evaluation Section
This Section will perform the following activities:-
(i)Monitor and evaluate implementation of the Office's Annual Plans and Medium Term Strategic Plan;
(ii)Prepare periodic performance reports;
(iii)Collect, study and analyze statistics needed in the formulation and implementation of policies, plans and budgetary proposals;
(iv)Provide inputs in preparation of plans, programs and budgetary activities in the Ministry including establishment of performance targets and indicators;
(v)Provide technical advice including institutionalization of M&E process;
(vi)Undertake research and evaluation studies of plans, projects and programs undertaken by the Ministry;
(vii)Undertake service delivery surveys to collect stakeholders/clients views on services rendered and advise management accordingly;
(viii)Oversee performance contracting;
(ix)Coordinate mid-year and annual performance reviews;
(x)Coordinate collection, analysis, interpretation and presentation of Office data and statistics;
(xi)Be custodian and focal point of Office’s statistics; and
(xii)Monitor performance of Executive Agencies under the Office.
This Section will be led by an Assistant Director.
To provide financial management and book-keeping services for the Office.
This Unit will perform the following activities: -
(i)Prepare payment for salaries including statutory deductions; and
(ii)Maintain records.
Cash Office
(i)Submit voucher list to the Treasury;
(ii)Collect all cheques from Treasury;
(iii)Bank cash and cheques;
(iv)Prepare monthly flash report;
(v)Pay cash/cheques to employees/customers (service Provider);
(vi)Batch paid vouchers;
(vii)Maintain cash book;
(viii)Record/ reconcile all imprest issued; and
(ix)Prepare and effect all payments.
(i)Collect all revenues;
(ii)Manage the revenue according to regulations and guidelines; and
(iii)Bank reconciliation.
(i)Prepare pension papers; and
(ii)Maintain pension records.
(i)Monitor allocations and expenditure; and
(ii)Prepare Final Accounts and other Financial Statements.
Pre – Audit/Examination
(i)Ensure proper documentation to support vouchers, including authorization according to the regulations;
(ii)Ensure adherence to the relevant acts, regulations, circulars etc; and
(iii)Reply all Audit queries raised during the previous financial year.
This Unit will be led by a Chief Accountant.
To provide advisory services to the Accounting Officer on the proper management of Resources.
This Unit will perform the following activities:-
(i)Review and report on proper control over the receipt, custody and utilization of all financial resources of the Office;
(ii)Review and report on conformity with financial and operational procedures laid down in any legislation or any regulations or instructions for control over the expenditure of the Office;
(iii)Review and report on the correct classification and allocation of revenue and expenditure accounts;
(iv)Develop audit procedures to facilitate compliance with International Standards;
(v)Review and report on the reliability and integrity of financial and operation data and prepare financial statements and other reports;
(vi)Review and report on the systems in place used to safeguard assets, and verify existence of such assets;
(vii)Review and report on operations or programs to ascertain whether results are consistent with established objectives and goals;
(viii)Review and report on the reactions by the management to internal audit reports, and assist management in the implementation of recommendations made by reports and follow-up on the implementation of recommendations made by the Controller and Auditor General;
(ix)Review and report on the adequacy of controls built into computerized systems in place in the Office;
(x)Prepare and implement Strategic Audit Plans; and
(xi)Conduct performance audits on appraisal of development projects.
This Unit will be led by a Chief Internal Auditor.
To provide expertise and services in procurement, storage and supply of goods and services for the Office
This Unit will perform the following activities:-
(i)Advise the Management on matters pertaining to the procurement of goods and services and logistics management;
(ii)Monitor adherence to procurement process and procedures as per Public Procurement Act;
(iii)Develop an annual procurement Plan for the Office;
(iv)Procure, maintain and manage supplies, materials and services to support the logistical requirements of the Office;
(v)Maintain and monitor distribution of office supplies and materials;
(vi)Maintain and update inventory of goods, supplies and materials;
(vii)Provide Secretariat services to the Tender Board as per Public Procurement Act; and
(viii)Set specifications/standards for goods and services procured and monitor adherence to them to ensure value for money.
This Unit will be led by a Director.
To provide expertise and services on application of ICT to the Office as well as statistical analysis.
This Unit will perform the following activities:-
(i)Implement ICT and e-Government policy;
(ii)Develop and Coordinate Integrated Information and Communication Technology for the Office;
(iii)Ensure that hardware and software are well maintained;
(iv)Coordinate and provide support on procurement of software and hardware in the Office;
(v)Establish and Coordinate use of Electronic mail communications on LAN and WAN;
(vi)Undertake data analysis and interpretation;
(vii)Custodian of Office statistics; and
(viii)Carryout studies and propose areas of using ICT as an instrument to improve service delivery to the whole Office.
This Unit will be led by a Principal ICT Officer.
To provide legal expertise and services to the Office.
This Unit will perform the following activities:-
(i)Provide legal services and assistance to Office’s Divisions and Units and entities under the Office on interpretation of laws, terms of contract, terms of agreements, privatization agreements, procurement contracts, guarantees, letters of undertaking, memorandum of understanding, consultancy agreements and other type of agreements,and other legal documents;
(ii)Provide technical support in preparation of legislative instruments including enactments of Parliament and subsidiary legislation(s) and forward to the Attorney General’s Chambers;
(iii)Provide services to the Office;
(iv)Participate to various negotiations and meetings that call for legal expertise;
(v)Translate legislations within the Office;
(vi)Liaise with the Attorney Generals Chambers on litigation of civil cases and other claims involving the Office; and
(vii)Prepare and review various legal instruments such as orders, notices, certificates, agreements and transfer deeds.
This Unit will be led by a Director.
To provide to the Office expertise and services in information, communication and dialogue with Public and media.
This Unit will perform the following activities: -
(i)Produce and disseminate documents such as brochures, articles, newsletters to inform the Public on Policies, Programmes, activities and Reforms undertaken by the Office;
(ii)Coordinate press briefings for the Office;
(iii)Engage in dialogue with the Public as well as media on issues concerning the Office;
(iv)Promote Office’s activities, programs and policies;
(v)Coordinate preparation of Sectoral and Office’s papers for workshops and conferences;
(vi)Coordinate preparation and production of Office’s articles and newspapers;
(vii)Up-date sectoral and Ministerial information in the website; and
(viii)Advise Divisions, Units, extra Ministerial and non-commercial Public Institutions on the production of various documents.
This Unit will be led by a Principal Information Officer.